Introduction to MDWIX: Vision, Mission, Objective & Scope.

MDWIX is a Web based Digital Company focuses on Academics, Business in eCommerce, eConsultancy, Technology, Web design, Media Publication and TV Networking. It emphasizes on Human Resource Development through Education and Training in the fields of Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Economics and Commerce, Career and Entrepreneurship development through Skill and Management Aptitude Development Program. It aims to reach it's well wishes to millions of beneficiaries across the world.  

Objective & Vision of  MDWIX:

       Hello Friends! Welcome everyone to MDWIX Digital Network. It always realizes the tragedy of the marginal & underprivileged class of our societies. Every scholar & student some how get their education without any legitimate guides & supports. Even after completing their nominal education, they had to ransomly search for employment. Most of them could not find their employability. MDWIX always urge the necessity for a approach for social help and development of the needy one. We appreciate the holistic approaches of "Google" with their motivation by their contribution towards the development of whole mankind using their services. MDWIX is collaborative network of Google products & it's application. Meanwhile Covid19, so called novel corona viruses engulf the whole world in the form of paralyzed pandemic that breaks down the systems in equilibrium. It most adversely affects the economic & academic section. It is feared that the survival of this pandemic might be prevailed through the current decade. Global economy would go under the marginal datum that will hamper the states government's development work for poor & underprivileged. It will collapse the social balances. On the other hand, the irreparable changes & sufferance are occurring in the system for a long closure of offline educational & professional training institute. The streamline of generating industry standard manpower resources has been interrupted. It will create a massive void in production of quality human resources. Societies prevailing with poor & middle classes are greatly dependent on government offline education. They are ultimately loosing opportunity of getting their education due to continuous country wide lockdown. After a short while a huge generation gap will be found out globally. Even the developed country like USA also feels the adversity. As per McKinsey, one year closure of formal school & colleges in the USA affect the low income, Black & Hispanic students. Apart from developed nation, sub-continent states like India, Pakistan, Indonesia might face worst. These countries completely depend on offline education policies. The infinite & uncertain break down in educational system has given inequalities, bottleneck & challenges that already plagued the educational system. Government of several countries urge different non-profit companies & individuals not only to establish the online educational arrangement but also emphasize on online vocational training program to survive the non-negotiable necessity of mankind. As a conscious and liable to social need, MDWIX is highly emphasizing the exploration of online training & teaching. We believe that teaching is the best exercise for a quality learning. The qualified teaching personnel are cordially invited to take part in this holistic endeavor.


"A Digital Company focuses on Academic, Technology Media and Business.-MDWIX."